Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Batman vs Superman trailer: I kinda liked it

As I briefly mentioned in my recommendation of The Man from U. N. C. L. E., I thought Man of Steel was awful. I actually watched both movies with the same friend and I remember that neither of us was particularly energized after sitting through MoS.

So my expectations for BvS are less than enthusiastic (is that how Batman vs Superman is being abbreviated? I like it.) The trailer has made me cautiously . . . less pessimistic than I was before. I mean, I'm still burned from the disappointment that was Age of Ultron, especially after the great trailer.

Henry Cavill still looks constipated but I'm going to be lenient about that. After UNCLE, I know that's just the demeanor he's been instructed to adopt for Clark Kent. His face is still a work of art, for what it's worth. I can only pray he's allowed a moment of levity in the film. I'm not even asking for Marvel-esque Tony Stark quirks, but a moment of cleverness and sarcasm from Clark Kent would be appreciated.

I'm rooting for Batfleck. I've been rooting for him since the internet flipped out about his casting, as if this is more serious than a freaking superhero movie. He looks cool in the trailer. Good for him.

Wonder Woman has like a couple of shots and doesn't say anything. Lois Lane reassures Kent's constipated mug about his significance to the world. Whatever. This is a superhero movie. Female characters take the backstage, certainly during the promotional period.

The character who really grabbed my attention is Lex Luthor . . . who has been re-imagined as a scraggly millennial?

TVTropes tells me that the actor, Jesse Eisenberg, is known for playing obnoxious, socially awkward, genius types. He was in the Facebook movie that I didn't watch because there's nothing I care less about than Facebook.

Anyway, TVTropes also tells me that "fans" weren't happy with his casting because . . . who cares? Comic book fans are never happy about anything.

Personally though, I'm intrigued. What focus group, or which individual creative entity (I mean obviously, it was a focus group) decided that Lex Luthor, the embodiment of anti-corrupt corporate billionaire abuse and excess, should be played by a skinny, long-haired pretty boy?

I'm only a casual comic book fan (a fake geek girl, if you will), and even I picture a vaguely attractive but creepy looking middle aged white dude as Lex Luthor. And this kid looks like some English grad student stepping out of Starbucks in skinny jeans. I'm sure he's still a mogul of some type in the film itself, but the image that make up and costumes created for his character is fascinating. He's undoubtedly going to go bald in the movie itself, but I almost wish they'd let the character keep the messy hair.  


  1. Hi, Ydan

    I have not been interested in the "Batman vs Superman" movie; but after reading your blog, I am leaning towards giving it a try.

    My biggest concern is that this is a publicity stunt, y'know, like in "Jurassic World", the park owners found that the failing visitor attendance got heavy rebounds when they created new and powerful monsters. And, just as Jurassic world's newest monster created disaster, doing things like "killing off' a best loved superhero or, in this case, pitting best loved heroes against each other, creates a double havoc in DC’s fan base.

    The first havoc created is a lack of trust and a feeling of being used when such events are touted. You know that they are likely reaching out in desperation when they use such obvious, over the top techniques.

    The second havoc is that they create, within those who watch such movies, a bias against one of their big bread winning superheroes.

    Here's the biggest obstacle for me. I enjoy the DC superhero movies, though I am not into the heroes as I was a kid. That is important. As children, we build certain worlds around the heroes we enjoy. For many of us, childhood worlds slip away; but they are always a part of us; a piece of happiness and comfort from a “once upon a time” place and time.

    Batman and Superman are both good guys. Neither would ever turn bad (unless Superman got under the spell of a Kryptonite variation), no more than Roy Rogers would become a bank robber or The Lone Ranger would become a hired gunman.

    Well, look more closely at The Lone Ranger. He had a code. Certain events in his life caused him to be a man on a mission against crime. Though maybe not stated as strongly, the other heroes mentioned here had a code and to renege on that code of honor would turn each into traitors in the minds of kids (or that kid left in us) all across the land.

    Many of the Marvel heroes do not have a code. They are bumbling humans, just as you and I, who accidentally came into superpowers and have to struggle to use them wisely in their life events. Having said that, I love the Marvel heroes as much as I love the DC heroes. It is just that each DC or Marvel hero has a "back story" or promise they have to live up to. Those struggling with their powers have a lot less to live up to than those who have become synonymous with a life code.

    Now, in this upcoming flick, as I understand the hype so far, Superman embraces his alien ancestry and no longer feels an obligation to Earthlings. And, I, for one, do not wish to view the movie devised by the present owners of DC who would try to ruin my view of Superman.

    Superman has been super good to DC and, for them to throw him under the bus is criminal.

    Sorry for the ranting! I did enjoy reading your thoughts on the movie here and will be coming back for more good reads. :-)

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Hi William!

      i'm not sure that this movie is aiming to paint either batman or Superman as a "bad guy". The way I see it, it's probably going to show two "good guys" who disagree about the "right way" to do things, and who do not communicate in any way that could help them solve their differences. If the fans "take sides", I think it will not be because the makers of the movie intended either hero to be "right".

      I'm not going to pretend that DC isn't doing this for money, but I'm not sure that's a bad thing. They might be doing it both for money, and for the joy of it. Besides, these spectacle movies take millions to make. Even if they weren't looking for a profit, they'd still need to look for a way to fund the project.

      Though I didn't enjoy MoS, I'm hoping that this movie is successful enough that DC gets the funding needed for movies that are less of a sure thing when it comes to profit. For example, I loved Guardians of the Galaxy and I doubt Marvel would've ever made that film if The Avengers hadn't destroyed the box office.

      So ultimately, I have cautious hopes for this film.

  2. Wow! Just like you, I'm also disappointed of MoS and I have to admit that I also flipped when Ben was cast as Batman.

    I have nothing against Ben, I love him, but I didn't think it would suit him.
    Seeing the trailer, it seems inviting.
    I wonder if it's going to change my mind about Superman and Batman, once I see the movie.

    1. I was more baffled by the reaction to Batfleck (some people going as far as wishing the poor man would die so they'd have to recast) because people seemed to forget they're talking about a movie. Even if it ends up sucking, it's not worth going apoplectic over.

      I don't expect the movie to be much good considering the crappitude of the first one, but I'm hoping it turns out well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am very disappointing this movie first official trailer but after releasing this second trailer I am interesting with this movie and I am also waiting for this movie. Batman VS Superman Jacket at Instylejackets

  5. The movie was meh in the theaters but I enjoyed the ultimate cut. If amy kid is a big fan of BvS, they can order novelty items from Littens' stores in BvS theme and enjoy it even more.
