Friday, August 7, 2015

Duolingo and Portuguese

I just noticed today that I'm down to the last few Portuguese lessons on the wonderful free app Duolingo. I started the "course" a little less than a year ago, and my Portuguese is good enough that I can communicate with Brazilian patients. I'm obviously better at understanding it than speaking it, but understanding is enough for my purposes.

Once I finish the course, I plan to read Veronika Decide Morir in the original Portuguese (can't put the accent in that o, grrr).

Link to Duolingo for anyone interested in a new language.


  1. Congratulations! You've come a long way, and even though your understanding may be better than your speaking now, keep practicing and you'll continue to get better. :)

    I've come across Duolingo before and it sounds like an awesome app, but sadly they don't have Japanese yet. Once I'm done learning Japanese, though, I might try out one of the languages they do offer!

    1. I think Japanese would be harder for them because it involves an entirely different alphabet.

  2. That's awesome! I started using the program to refresh my German, but got distracted. Good on you for finishing it!
