Sunday, May 22, 2016

How I will be spending my disposable income, now that I have it

About a week ago, I went to Spencer's with a friend and saw this:

Gengar!! Most favorite Pokemon ever :)
I trained Gengar every single time when I was kid, and had elaborate dreams where I became a Pokemon master by defeating the Elite Four and the Champion with a Shiny Gengar. I thought mine psychic to defeat my friend's Crowbat. Memories.

Anyway, I spent more money than I'm comfortable remembering for this thing, all because it has Gengar on it. So I write this post to alert Nintendo/Shonen Jump/Marvel/assorted companies to continue making supbar products with my favorite characters on them, then overpricing the hell out of them. I will probably buy them like the weak consumer that I am. In all fairness, the Gengar wallet seems good so far, but it's been a week. And how much does a wallet need to do anyway? So it's not like I can destroy it.

It also makes me want to spend more money because it gives me an excuse to pull it out besides "admiring Gengar". For starters, I'm currently half-way to convincing myself that I should totally buy the next Pokemon game because I will totally have enough time to play it this time, somehow. I am of course deluding myself, but there are two Gamestops within walking distance of my house. This is a problem.

Details to follow a week or so from now, when I will almost certainly bought a copy of Pokemon: Whatever They're Up to Now. 

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