Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dónde Estará Mi Primavera; musical benzo

I've been listening to this song almost nonstop for the last three days:

The title roughly translates to "Where Will My Spring Be?", which I know sounds odd, but that's because English is inadequate for this. I would try to translate the lyrics, but I would butcher them worse than Google translate. I'm pretty sure. The singer is Marco Antonio Solís, who I assume is extremely famous in Spanish speaking countries because my mother knows who he is and I've been listening to him in the background of my life since I was a kid.

Anyway, I don't think I can do much a "review" because I don't know anything about music. I can't even identify the instruments in this. I assume they're classical? There's a piano! And a violin? A cello? I'm not sure about the last two, but they sound like classical instruments, so I'm gonna go with them. That being said, I do know when something sounds nice, and how it makes me feel.

I got cut off in traffic today while listening to this song, and the following thought crossed my mind: that's okay, I'll get to listen to this song a little more. So I have concluded that, while listening to this song, it's impossible to get angry. A benzo couldn't make me so calm that I wouldn't mind being cut off in traffic. 

We need to harness this song's power to cure all anger management problems. 

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