About Me/Disclaimer

Who am I?

For now, I'll go by Ydan. As untold millions on the internet, I'm a novice writer trying to connect with fellow lovers of language and fiction. Most importantly, I wish to connect with readers. By day, I work in the medical field.

What's this blog about?

To embrace a cheesy statement: it's about my personal journey as a writer. I will be sharing my own novice fiction as well as reviews and recommendations of any resources I find particularly helpful. At times, I will share some truly amateur art in conjunction with convoluted posts about my day job.

Give me a few years, and I might come back with a more definite answer.

What can I get out of this blog?

In my wildest ambitions? Entertainment and esoteric information. In reality? Not much, probably.

Why don't you share a pic/selfie/portrait? It's *insert year*!

Because I'm paranoid.

How can I contact you?

contact@dynamicallyopposed.com (Let us pray I don't become a victim of spambots).

And it occurs to me that this might become an issue as this blog grows:

I've deduced from X post that you're a medical doctor. Can I ask you for medical advise?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: I cannot conduct and medical interview/examination over emails. I cannot order tests/imaging. I cannot prescribe you medications (actually, I can't even do this in real life yet because . . . resident, not yet independent physician). And medical ramblings on this blog are just that: ramblings. They are not intended as medical advise, neither general or personal.

If you feel that you need medical attention, please seek a real life doctor. If it's an emergency, call 9-1-1 (or the equivalent in your nation). This is the internet. I could be a Nigerian prince trying to build a following for my next scam. If you see anything in my posts that disagrees with your real life physician's instructions, ignore me! Or ask your physician about it, but certainly don't ignore your doctors' instructions based on what you read here.

Please be safe and healthy!

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