Friday, April 8, 2016

Which one would you go for, animated T&A or animated zombie dragon?

Fire Emblem: Fates royal siblings are way cooler than the Avatar main character. Out of all the old FE tropes that have been vanishing in the newer entries, the one I miss most is the non-intrusive "Tactician" player Avatar that had next-to-zero impact on the plot. I was ultimately displeased with the player Avatar's prominence in Awakening, and Fates is even worse.

First of all, Corrin's supposed familial relationships with both royal families weren't equally compelling throughout all routes. In Birthright, I would have liked her to be more anguished about going against the siblings that she grew up with. Conquest made more sense from a psychological perspective, but the idiotic plot device regarding the "curse" that didn't let her tell anyone about Valla crippled the storyline. Revelation comes out better story wise, but it's saddled with way too many characters for a mere twenty-something chapters of gameplay.

To make matters worse, Fates can't resist making the royal siblings love interests. My theory is that it has something to do with the meta-game that's undoubtedly cropped up somewhere online (I bet that you get stronger Child Units if Corrin marries one of the royal siblings). I've seen arguments that Japan has "different" views about incest than the West, which. . . I'm no expert in Japanese culture, but I'm pretty sure brother-sister incest is taboo in Japan. And don't give any of that "they're not blood siblings" nonsense. For most of the story, Corrin doesn't know that. And you can marry him or her to the siblings before they find out otherwise in the story.

But fine. I can easily ignore this incest thing by simply not marrying Corrin to her siblings. Which I didn't do. Whatever. You know what's not so easy to ignore? Camilla's status as a creepy fanservice girl. Just look at her boss battle intro scene:

Just what in the world is that? I'm not even angry about this, just. . . confused and uncomfortable. This game is rated T. I did not expect to get gratuitous. . . this. It's like going to church with your grandma and instead of a pastor, a stripper bounces before Christ. I bet you'd have too many questions to be angry.

Who is the POV character in this cutscene? Corrin? Did they astroproject behind Camilla to get that perfect shot of her ass? Why did Camilla do that weird gesture with her finger and lips? These two characters are reuniting after Corrin "betrayed" Camilla for an enemy kingdom/family, and still Camilla must have a weird line about how Corrin is so cute? Is she high all the time?

This is the developers/designers/writers just not caring about their own story. They wanted to have anime T&A in this game, and they were going to go for it even if it didn't make sense in context. Even if it meant sacrificing the characters' development. I guess you could say that videogames aren't about storyline, but then why bother? Why do we even need character names? Why do we need cutscenes at all? Just give some chess pieces and a board and leave me in peace without all this. . . whatever this is. 

And it's not like the other royal siblings get this treatment. For example, this is how Takumi is introduced in that infamous chapter with the vanishing water:

Intelligent Systems has deprived fangirls of a shot of Takumi's ass, and TVTropes informs me that Takumi was designed to attract fangirls (which I've decided to take as gospel even though Xander is the sexiest male in the game). He gets to show off his magic bow, which, while fairly awesome in the game, is still just a bow. Camilla is riding an undead wyvern. In what world is anime T&A more entertaining than an anime zombie dragon? 

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