Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Gomer blog, the site I must resist ripping off everyday

Like the Onion, but for healthcare workers. Featuring news articles such as:

Intern Shocked to Discover TV Residency and Real Residency Vastly Different

Anesthesiologists Compare Arm Tans While Surgeon Repairs Penetrating Aortic Injury

Personal favorites:

Tired Critical Care Fellow Accidentally Intubates Patient's Rectum

Devious MRSA Spider Bites Yet Another Antecubital Fossa; Remains at Large

After Another Horrid Shift, Doctor Calls Palliative Care on Self, Goes Home on Hospice

Pathology Duty Pager Goes Off Overnight

This can be called research, right? If you're ever writing a medical drama, this is the kind of humor your doctor characters are dying at.


  1. Those are awesome! I'm going to have to send my parents a link to that site.

  2. Great links. They are helpful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. No problem. the entire site is amazing. I'd probably linked to the entire thing if I'd just kept going.
