Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Fantasy Epic

Are David and Leigh Eddings famous? I remember reading their book a long time ago (when I was a teenager?), and loving it very much. Specifically, The Redemption of Althalus.

I barely remember the character's names, or the ending, but I remember loving the hell out of this. I cannot justify buying it for myself because I'm still a broke student on a tight budget. But it's on the re-reading list.


  1. Haven't read any of their books but the cover is certainly intriguing! I'll have to keep an eye out for it next time I'm at my library. Speaking of which, if you have a local or a school library you should be able to interlibrary loan the book if they don't have it on the shelf.

    1. I hadn't thought of the library, but it’s a good idea.

      Truth is I also have very little time too :(. As a kid, I had so much more.
